Friday, August 30, 2013

Day 4 - y-intercept

This is one of my favorite data labs because the y-intercept is non-zero and has a real meaning.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 3 - Whiteboarding

In physics we do a lot of work in small groups on whiteboards. Today we started a mini-data lab investigating the relationship between the length of a pipe and its mass. It's a pretty straight forward idea, however, it will help us build the skills we need to lay the foundation for the rest of the school year.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 2 - Pre-Testing

Boring picture, but important day! Today I administered the Force Concept Inventory to my students. This is a 30 question multiple choice test designed to assess understanding of Newton's Laws. There is a great deal of research backing it up. I'll give it again near the end of the year to gauge how well I did as a teacher.

Day 1 - Marshmallow Challange

Today we did the Marshmallow Challenge. It was a lot of fun to see how the different groups went about it. What a great Day One activity.