This is not a picture from my classroom today, but the classroom of a good friend of mine. She teaches our Principals of Chemistry class. Today they were discussing the properties of elements and such. You know, whatever it is that chemistry teachers do. After working some examples together she was walking around the room when she overheard someone say, "I still don't know how to find the atomic hashtag."
At this point my friend said that she felt she'd lost all relevance for her kids. Personally I don't think that's true. What do you think? Are kids really in such a different place today? Some might call this a digital native/immagrant problem, but I've never accepted that dichotomy. Most of my students are not really very good with most internet technologies. They, as a rule, tend to be very good at using the current popular social network, but little else beyond that.
Some educators would say that if a teacher is not on twitter they can't be relavent to kids today. I couldn't disagree more. I don't know any educator who us twitter the same way our students do. Anway, I'm going to stop typing now before I go on a rant.
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